Suivit 2.5m single axle trailer

Suivit 2.5m single axle trailer, inside dimensions 2.51m x 1.22m, max total weight 1000 kg, empty weight 255 kg, max load 745 kg. Including spare wheel, with French registration documents. Immediately available.
Westfalia 2.5m single axle trailer

Westfalia 2.5m single axle trailer, built 1990. Inside dimensions 2.52m x 1.39m. Max total weight 1200 kg, empty weight 255 kg, max load 945 kg. French registration documents included. Immediately available.
Tack 6m tandem axle trailer

Tack 6m tandem axle trailer, built 03/2021. Loading area dimensions 6.1m x 2.17m. Max total weight 3000 kg. Equipped with hydraulic pump, inox runners and electric winch for easy loading of basket. Competely galvanized, publicity will be removed. Comes with Honda GX390 caterpillar track envelope transporter with box, with foldable front and removable sides. Combination ideally for baskets up to 4m and envelopes up to 425.000 ft3. All in very good condition and perfect working order.
Canigo 2.5m Chambley Balloon single axle trailer

Canigo 2.5m Chambley Balloon singe axle trailer, built 2018, inside dimensions 2.5m x 1.25m x 1.52m. With sliding roof. Max load 765 kg.